Tue Dec 17, 5:30 PM - Tue Dec 17, 8:30 PM

Dallas Streetcar - Bishop Arts

Dallas, Dallas, TX 75203

Community: Dallas


Join us for an Oak Cliff Polar Express ride on the Dallas Streetcar! We will meet at the Bishop Arts Station near N. Zang Blvd and W. 7th St. to board the streetcar.

Event Details

We'll read the Polar Express in both Spanish and English and sing some holiday songs while aboard the streetcar. The schedule is listed below.

Our premier sponsor Methodist Dallas Medical Center is helping make this a free event for the community and we can't thank them enough!

Cookies, hot chocolate and Christmas carolers provided by our friends at Victor Prosper and Alamo Manhattan Properties. They will also give us access to their underground parking garage with enough spaces for 150 cars. (The entrance is located on Davis just east of Cretia's).

Come enjoy our winter wonderland crafts, take pictures in a fun family photo booth, write letters to the troops, and there may even be a Santa sighting! We hope you can join us for this fun holiday experience!


Acompáñanos a un paseo del Oak Cliff Polar Express a bordo del Dallas Street Car. Nos veremos en la estación Bishop Arts Station, cerca de N. Zang Blvd y W. 7th St para abordar el
tranvía. Leeremos el Polar Express, tanto en inglés como en español, y cantaremos villancicosmientras nos paseamos. El horario se incluye a continuación.

Nuestro principal patrocinador, Methodist Dallas Medical Center, nos ayuda a que este evento sea gratuito para toda la comunidad.

Nuestros amigos de Victor Prosper y Alamo Manhattan Properties proporcionarán galletas y chocolate caliente, así como cantantes de villancicos. Asimismo, nos darán acceso a su estacionamiento subterráneo, el cual cuenta con espacio para 150 carros. La entrada está ubicada en Davis, al este de Cretia’s.

Ven a jugar nuestros juegos invernales, tómate fotos en nuestro divertido booth familiar y, ¡hasta puede aparecerse Santa! ¡Esperamos que nos acompañes a esta divertida experiencia
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